Monday, April 1, 2013

Welcome Home Oscar!

Today, Rebecca and I traveled to Strongsville to pick up our new dog, nine week old Oscar.  We met Jim Karloveck and Matt of Flushing Star Gundogs at one of their field training locations and brought home our dog.  He is a coal black English Field Cocker who seems to be a chip off the old block.  Tonight, I put a wee bit of rabbit juice on a puppy bumper and tossed it four or five feet in front of him.  He galumphed over, nosed it once or twice, picked it up and brought it to hand.  I was amazed.  Rebecca got the whole thing on film during a later display, but unfortunately, neither of us are as smart as my phone, and we can't figure out how to send it to anyone, or to post it here.  We will work on that in the days to come and see if we can't get some footage of Oscar on line. 

Several people have asked, "Why Oscar?"  First, it carries well in the field.  Second, it is an old name in my family.  My father and his father both bore it, and before that, it was the name of my great Grandma Huffman's uncle.  I seriously doubt that it will be used again in this next generation, and so it seemed like a good name to use.  One wouldn't want some future grandson to be named after the dog!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I look forward to meeting Oscar. Sounds like a great dog. My untrainable one has had a run in with a training collar.

Keep training and may he be a great hunter for you.