Friday, April 19, 2013

...e vivi la vitta (...enjoy your life)

One of the great joys of spring!
It rained hard this morning, cancelling at least some of my plans for my day off.  But I did manage some time out with the dogs and then got chores done and had the most wonderful surprize.  The first of the asparagus is up and ready to harvest.  Breakfast this morning consisted of an asparagus and cheddar omlet (with our own eggs and asparagus of course), multi grain bread with strawberry and rhubarb jam, orange juice, and a cup of americano made with Lucaffe on the Blitz machine  A day that starts like this cannot be all bad, and I might even slip over to Newark and see the grandchildren!
A Speckled Sussex Hen- The Founder of the Feast
"Mad, Bad, and Dangerous to Know"
But he protects the flock and thereby fulfills his destiny!

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