Monday, March 5, 2012

Honor Virtutis Praemium ( Honour is the reward of virtue)

John Harris and I served together as Lieutenants on staff at the Ohio Military Academy about three lives ago.  Later. we worked together on the staff of a Divisional Cavalry Squadron.  Finally, he was my Commander in the Second Squadron 107th Cavalry.  He is, in the words of Terence (Adelphi III.iii.88), "homo antiqua virtute et fide," "a man of old-fashoned virtue and loyalty."  John is a man of prayer and deep personal faith.  He is a devoted husband and father, and a faithful follower of our Lord Jesus Christ.  He loves this Republic as did his father (a retired Cavalry Scout) before him.  He cares deeply for the soldiers entrusted to his leadership and insists that virtue and the right always trump pragmatism and triumphalism in the accomplishment of his mission.  The soldiers and people of Ohio are blessed to have a man like John Harris as our newest Assistant Adjutant General for Army.  May God bless you, General Harris, and may your watch be characterized by honor, duty, and a love for that which is right.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations, General Harris! Ohio is blessed to have you as ATAG.