Monday, January 30, 2012

Honouring My Own Time, And That of Others

It was a wonderful respite from modernity.  For several days, our church website, and with it my church e-mail account, was down.  I know it was inconvenient for several people.  They called to tell me that they were unable to reach me or the church, or to ask for information they usually acquired from the church website.  But for me it was quite refreshing to avoid daily about thirty or forty spam messages designed to make me feel better, or laugh, or convince me, or sell me something.  And it was a blessing to escape the self-induced deception that I am so important that everyone on earth must have immediate access to my wisdom and expertise.  Knowing that at least one of my electronic leashes was inoperative, I found that my life seemed to take on a more ordered and peaceful existence.  I read more (the Book of Luke in one sitting! and a goodly portion of JB Bury's History of the Reformation in the England and Scotland.)   I took walks in the woods with the terriers and Pat, the faithful old white hound.  In a very real sense it was as if I went back in time.  It wasn't that long ago that we did not have access to such instant communication, and then, it simply cost too much to send out so much to so many who already had more than they needed or wanted. 

But now I am back, saddled with the conveniences that our world demands, and obviously employing them to enter the lives of others.  But perhaps my forced hiatus from the world will help me to understand to a greater degree what is truly important.  Just perhaps I will walk away from the opportunity to keep others on such a short leash and only push myself on them when I have something meaningful to say or ask.  Just perhaps I will design my communications to to reach individuals who are interested in hearing from me instead of broadcasting them to be received involuntarily by those who really have no interest in what I have to say.   I noticed on my blogspot dashboard the other day that there is now an option which allows readers to be notified by e-mail whenever I decide to be eloquent.  Just perhaps I will find the self-control to refrain from adding that most egotistical of all buttons to this blog.  Just perhaps.......

"The Peace of God, which passeth all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in the knowledge and love of God, and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord: And the Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and remain with you always.  AMEN." taddled from The Book of Common Prayer

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