Sunday, October 16, 2011

Back In The Saddle Again

It seems like years since I've posted anything. Amidst my complete disinterest in technology, I forgot how to access my blogspot account. But now I am back again. Any time I am faced with technology, I seem to hear far off in the distance, a faint voice chanting "One ring to rule them all! One ring to rule them all! One ring to rule them all!"
Not that much has changed since I last posted, but my attitudes seem to be changing a bit. Beating cancer on a couple of occasions has a way of helping one to see how unimportant and insignificant most things we worry about really are. Tristan's wounds in Afghanistan (from which he is completely recovered) remind me that most of the other problems in my life were just minor background noise. And the knowledge that my particular positions in the Episcopal Church's late unpleasantness have been determined to be the loser, even though I continue to hold them vigorously, has been extremely liberating. Perhaps like that old Jacobite clansman who happened to be abroad on business during the '45, and who therefore survived the Hanoverian ascendancy, I am now free to be a bit odd but not much of a threat to anyone. I can toast who and what I like, and be a bit quirky (but not too quirky) without fear of imprisonment or exile. Such powerlessness is not necessarily a bad thing.
Perhaps it is from such a position that true holiness is to be found. Once we realize that we exercise no control, we are free to acknowledge with our hearts, as well as with our heads, that God is in control. I am free to pray the old prayers with the old rubrics to my heart's content, in the knowledge that living for Christ is all that remains. And that is not a bad feeling. I daresay it might be a good thing to wish it for all of my friends.
In any event, I am back, and I hope that these disorganized ramblings might be of some hope or encouragement to some fellow traveler somewhere in the blogosphere. May God bless us all with peace as we wind our ways to heaven.
In Christ,

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