Sunday, November 29, 2009

Reflections On A Wonderful Thanksgiving

1. Spending time with those you love is a bit of heaven on earth. Rebecca and I traveled with Tristan (home on leave from the Marines), and my mother to See Matthew and Ashley, Margaret and Jack in Wisconsin. We met Rebecca's parents there and shared memories, dreams, and time together. God has blessed us most richly, and I give him thanks.
2. Just when it seemed that I was almost alone as a traditionalist in the Episcopal Church, God brought me to Nashotah House, a seminary of our Church. It is a wonderful place, and full of those ever so Anglican touches that first brought me to this demonination. Fr. Klukas' sermon, and the simple liturgies of Communion and prayer encouraged my heart and refreshed my soul. If you have a few extra dollars to donate to a cause, this is a good one.
3. Driving through Chicago has provided empirical data to support my contention and that of the Scriptures that man is fallen indeed! It never fails to amaze me how self-interest and anonymity can combine to make even decent people into rude and thoughtless barbarians. Lord have mercy on us all!
4. Ashley has introduced me to a wonderful website, which allows the user to develop a playlist of music in an absolutely legal manner for home listening. It is like having my own radio station without commercials or morning hosts! Matthew learned about this wonderful place in Hebrew class, another reason for studying foreign languages.

There are, I'm sure, other reasons to be thankful, but this is enough for now.

1 comment:

The Canter Family said...

Hooray for Grooveshark! I knew Hebrew would be good for something...

We had a great time Dad, and we can't wait to see you all again at Christmas. Thanks for coming, and for braving Chicago twice to do so. We love you all very much.